Talks by Members

Beate Fricke – February 23th/24th 2023

Conference The Future of Medieval France, UCLA, Los Angeles

Saskia C. Quené – September 28th, 2022

“For what it’s worth? Gold, goldbeaters, and gilders in Florence” Forum Kunst des Mittelalters, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Saskia C. Quené – August 4th, 2022

“Time, Movement and their Many Modes of Representation in Early Musical Diagrams” 21st Quinquennial Congress of the International Musicological Society, Athens 

Beate Fricke – May 3rd, 2021

Seide in Stein. Ein Bauwerk als Medium von Arbeit, Handwerks und Kunst, Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar, Hamburg

Beate Fricke – April 29th, 2022

Silk in Stone. Mediums of Labor, Craft, and Art, Columbia University, Robert Branner Forum for Medieval Art, New York

Saskia C. Quené – January 13th, 2022

“Wie Bilder Geschichten erzählen” Lecture VHS Zürich

Beate Fricke – January 12th, 2022

Seide in Stein. Ein Bauwerk als Medium von Arbeit, Handwerks und Kunst, Kunstgeschichtliches Institut, Marburg

Beate Fricke – December 2nd, 2021

Seide in Stein. Ein Bauwerk als Medium von Arbeit, Handwerk und Kunst Vortragsreihe “Von der Ikone zum Digitalen. Mediale Lebensformen. Kritik und Geschichte, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.

Beate Fricke – November 11th/12th, 2021

12 Stones. 4 Elements. Tracts, Theories, and Representation, Conference (In)Materiality in Medieval Art, Madrid

Saskia C. Quené – November 5th, 2021

“Das Mittelalterliche Monochord: Theorie und Praxis” Conference Das mittelalterliche Rabab, ein Streichinstrument mit arabisch-islamischer Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, Hochschule der Künste Bern

Saskia C. Quené – October 28th, 2021

“Momente der Utopie zwischen Bild und Klang im Mittelalter” Berner Mittelalter Zentrum, Universität Bern

Saskia C. Quené – October 21st, 2021

“Light and space in Fra Angelico’s gold”, conference at Paris: Bilder in situ. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der historisch-kritischen Ausstellungspraxis – Penser l’image en situation. Exposer la peinture medievale à la lumière du jour. Symposion organisée par Franz Engel (Berlin), Bruno Haas (Paris), Thomas Le Gouge (Paris), Saskia C. Quené (Bern)

Beate Fricke – October 21st, 2021

“Wisdom’s Creation”, XI Ars Mediaevalis Colloquium, Aguilar de Campoo

Micki McCoy – October 14th, 2021

“Approaching Demons: Astral Propitiation in Dunhuang Art and Ritual”

Zumrad Ilyasova – June 14th, 2021

“Sogdian textiles in pictorial representations and textual sources” Together with Alisher Begmatov, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. Conference: Old Textiles – More Possibilities – Copenhagen Centre for Textile Research anniversary conference

Beate Fricke – May 20th, 2021

“Craft as Flotsam – Objekte aus Niello und Texte über Niello erzählen verschiedene Geschichten” Universität Heidelberg

Beate Fricke – May 6th, 2021

“Wissen über die Welt – Illuminationen in enzyklopädischen Traktaten des Spätmittelalters” Universität Trier

Ittai Weinryb – May 6th, 2021

“Slipstream: Making Frontiers in Medieval Black Sea” Berner Mittelalter Zentrum

Beate Fricke – January 12th, 2021

Fragant Flotsam” Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz – KHI 2021+ Lecture Series

Stefanie Lenk – November 30th, 2020

“Staying Roman. Baptismal experiences in late antique North Africa, Materiality and Conversion” The Role of Material and Visual Cultures in the Christianization of the Latin West, Centre for Early Medieval Studies. Masaryk University Brno

Beate Fricke & Ivan Foletti – November 29th, 2020

Materiality and Conversion. The role of material and visual culture in the Christianization of the Latin West” CEMS, Brno

Beate Fricke – November 13th, 2020

“Color, and Creativity in the Holkham Bible” Research webinar within ‘Art History & Visual Material Culture’, lead by Ann-Sophie Lehmann, University of Groningen, Netherlands

Beate Fricke – October 23rd, 2020

»Journals selber machen«: Wie weiter mit akademischen Journals – angesichts monopolisierender Großverlage und Open-Access-Gebühren für Autor*innen? Welche Motivationen und Bedürfnisse führen zu (Neu-)Gründungen, heute und gestern?

Podium: Beate Fricke (21-inquiries), Estelle Blaschke (transbordeur), Philipp Messner (isotype); Tina Asmussen (traverse / intercomverlag). Moderation: cache-Team (Nils Güttler, Niki Rhyner, Max Stadler). – Virtual event

Beate Fricke – September 22nd, 2020

Flotsam – Writing the History of Objects travelling without Texts” Research Seminar, Bibliotheca Hertziana.

Zumrad Ilysova – September 10th, 2020

“From Bukhara to Bern – Gifts of the Emir in the Collection of Henri Moser” Conference, Material Culture in Transit – Bernisches Historisches Museum/Universität Bern

Beate Fricke – September 9th/10th, 2020

“Flotsam” Conference  Material Culture in Transit – Bernisches Historisches Museum/Universität Bern

Beate Fricke – April 22nd, 2020

“Miracles of Mediation” Silsila-Center for Material Histories, New York – webinar.

Beate Fricke – March 12th/13th, 2020

“Color and Chaos, Testing the Limits: Absence, Presence, and the Bounds of the Premodern Image” Workshop organized by Nancy Thebaut, Basel, eikones

Beate Fricke – March 10th, 2020

“Color, Chaos, and the Four Elements” Forschungskolloquium zur Geschichte der vormodernen und modernen Welt, Universität Luzern.

Corinne Mühlemann – February 19th, 2020

“Was it made in the City of Baghdad? Allusions of “Baghdad Silks” in al-Andalus”
Silsila: Center for Material Histories, NYU, New York.

Beate Fricke – February 12th, 2020

“Color and Chaos” The Courtauld Institute, London – Medieval and Renaissance Forum.

Beate Fricke & Corinne Mühlemann – January 27th, 2020

“Niello and Lampas – Two Examples of how Craft Knowledge was transferred between Baghdad, al-Andalus and Northern Europe during 12th Century” Conference on Dialogues in the Late Medieval Mediterranean: Methodological Encounters and (Dis)Encounters, Madrid, 2020. Cost-Action Islamic Legacy: Narratives East, West, South, North of the Meditarranean (1350-1750)

Corinne Mühlemann – December 12th, 2019

“Von al-Andalus nach St. Gallen – Die elf Siegelhüllen eines Ablassbriefes von 1333”, Vortragsreihe zur Jahresausstellung Otmar und Beata. Der erste Abt und die Welt des Stiftsarchivs St. Gallen, Stiftsarchiv St. Gallen.

Stefanie Lenk – October 24th, 2019

“A relief of the 5th century B.C. and its Christian re-use. A Crusader spolia in Bari?” Workshop Transforming the Past: The concept of object biographies, Universität Bern.

Beate Fricke – October 19th, 2019

“Horizont und Panorama”, Studientag Jerusalem in Scherzligen. 550 Jahre Scherzliger Passionspanorama. Kirche Scherzligen und Schloss Schadau, Thun.

Saskia C. Quené – October 17th, 2019

“Exhibiting lux et lumen. Towards new strategies for displaying medieval gold leaf”, Workshop at the Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris.

Corinne Mühlemann – September 19th, 2019

“Von al-Andalus nach St. Gallen – Die elf Siegelhüllen eines Ablassbriefes von 1333 im Stiftsarchiv St. Gallen”, Forum Kunst des Mittelalters (Panel 14: Schatzkammer Alpenraum. Zwischen weitreichender Verflechtung und Abgeschiedenheit)

Saskia C. Quené – September 19th, 2019

“Aura and Aurum. On form and material in the writings of Pavel Florensky and Walter Benjamin”, Forum Kunst des Mittelalters (Panel 15: Walter Benjamin und das Mittelalter)

Stefanie Lenk – August 30th, 2019 

“Widening Protestant Horizons: From Christian to global art collections in German theological faculties of the 19th and 20th centuries”, Colloquium Rauricum, Castellen.

Beate Fricke – June 12th-14th, 2019

“Silk, Stones, Slaves”. Workshop on Ecological Realism, organised by Lihong Liu, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florenz.

Theresa Holler – May 24th, 2019

“Drawing Plants and Weaving Flowers: The Bern Mille-fleur Tapestry as Herbaria”. Workshop Drawing and Weaving: Lines, Indexicality, and Transferring Knowledge in the Premodern World, Universität Bern. 

Meekyung MacMurdie – May 23rd, 2019

“Gridding the Sky: From point to line to form in The Book of Constellations”. Workshop Drawing and Weaving: Lines, Indexicality, and Transferring Knowledge in the Premodern World, Universität Bern. 

Meekyung MacMurdie – May 18th, 2019

(with Jesse Lockard) “Making Style History: Pattern Books and the Materiality of Comparative Aesthetics”. 9th Bern Research Camp on the Applied Arts, Universität Bern.

Meekyung MacMurdie – April 13th, 2019

“New Combinations: forming knowledge in The Book of Theriac”. Image, Ornament, Matter: A Symposium on their Limits and Intersections in the History of Art, University of Florida, Gainesville.

Beate Fricke – April 11th, 2019

“Creation and Creativity in the Holkham Bible. Ingenuity in Early Modern art and science”. Conference Genius Before Romanticism: Ingenuity in Early Modern Art and Science, CRASSH, University of Cambridge.

Beate Fricke – February 15th, 2019

“Materie, cuius miratur turba decorem… Creation and creativity in the Holkham Bible”. Workshop Bild-Irritationen, FRIAS, Universität Freiburg. 

Beate Fricke – January 9th, 2019

“Creating Man. Depicting Natura, Idea, and Anima”. Internationale und interdisziplinäre Tagung Alanus ab Insulus und das europäische Mittelalter. DFG-Forschergruppe Natur in politischen Ordnungsentwürfen, Universität München.

Jess Bailey – December 17th, 2018

“Engendering war: drawing military conflict in the late middle ages”. Graduate Colloquium, Prof. Dr. David Ganz, Institute für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Zürich.

Saskia C. Quené – November 2nd, 2018

„Form follows material? Äquivokationen aus Gold und Licht bei Joe Ramirez“. Kunst und Material: Repräsentation, Stofflichkeit, Prozesse, SIK-ISEA Zürich.

Beate Fricke & Theresa Holler – October 11th, 2018

„Flora und Fauna im Bildrahmen – Effekt und Repräsentation. Zur Naturvorstellung bei Hrabanus Maurus“. Internationale Tagung Die Handschriften der Hofschule Kaiser Karls des Großen – individuelle Gestalt und europäisches Kulturerbe, Stadtbibliothek Trier.

Jess Bailey – October 6th, 2018

“Disability and Gendered Violence: bodies along the borders of armed conflict”. Permeable Bodies in Medieval and Early Modern Visual Culture, University College London.

Saskia C. Quené – September 27th, 2018

„Zwischen Geheimnis und Verrat: Die Pigmente des Judas Iskariot“, Lecture at the Berner Mittelalter Zentrum, Universität Bern.

Jess Bailey – June 4th, 2018

“Precarious Lines: violence, desire, and bodily difference in the long 15th century”. Swiss Doctoral Summer School for Art History, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Zürich.

Theresa Holler – November 20th, 2018

„Informationsverarbeitung und Umkodierung medizinischen Wissens bei Petrarca“ Informationsverarbeitung in der Stadt des 12. bis 16. Jahrhunderts. Interdisziplinärer Methodenworkshop, Rom, Deutsches Historisches Institut und Bibliotheca Hertziana. 

Theresa Holler – May 10th, 2018

“Petrarch and Botany: A Discourse on Healing”. 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University. 

Saskia C. Quené – March 15th, 2018

„Zur Transformation des Goldgrundes: Licht und Gold in zwei Marienkrönungen des Fra Angelico“. Forum Kunstgeschichte Italiens, Freiburg. 

Saskia C. Quené – January 9th, 2018

„Von Gold getragen? Humus und Figura in den Madonnen dell’Umiltà des Fra Angelico“. Workshop Freie Universität Berlin, Kolleg-Forschergruppe BildEvidenz.